Our organisation encourages participants to protect and preserve the natural environment by planting the trees along the trekking trails. At all our destinations, we aim to ensure that the benefits of tourism reach the right places, Using Local Staff, Suppliers, Leaders, Accommodation, and Transport, so maximum benefit accrues to the local economy. We employ only local guides not just for their local knowledge but also to generate local employment. We believe that the local community should be economically benefited from our tours and treks. This is why we always encourage our clients to be responsible and support the local community and the areas where we visit.
Our operational policies include: the use of recycled and sustainably sourced paper, minimizing energy and water use, encouraging the use of public transport and cycling / walking to work and using Eco-friendly cleaning products. We negotiate fair prices and build long term relationships with our local suppliers so that they can sustain their businesses in the longer term.